2024 CRM Challenges, Opportunities and Top Tips with Sammy Jackson @ Krispy Kreme

Fast-moving tech, short attention spans, and an ever-changing customer landscape mean that creating a leading CRM strategy that delivers the best customer experiences is harder than ever to achieve.

I was so thrilled to be able to speak with Sammy Jackson, Head of Digital Experience, from Krispy Kreme to learn from her vast experience in creating CRM strategies that deliver a big impact.

Emma Woodward - Head of Agency - CRM

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What are the key challenges for CRM in 2024?

For me it’s the same challenge we’ve always faced which is Right message, Right time, Right channel. Not a new one for the year but one that feels like is harder to achieve each year!

The challenge of delivering a world-class CRM program with a customer base of ever-diversifying needs and shortening attention spans in an ever-crowded market. Trends are evolving quickly, the channels customers want to engage with are evolving even quicker, and we need to innovate with our customers and listen to them. Listen to what they want, how frequently they want to hear from us, and what is truly relevant for them. There has always been a balance between “business out”, and “customer in”. We have a product we want to sell so who can we send it to will only get so far.

Customers are king and we need to remember that, and tailor what we do around them. 

What are the key opportunities?

Well to unlock this of course, you need reliable data systems, you need high-quality CRM data that you understand how to use, you need a team that want to apply agile tests and lean thinking, and business stakeholders who understand that you are trying to do more than just send emails and can provide high levels of ROI!

We are building relationships with people and building trust with people that will support us, our brand, and love our brand and when we get it right, those customers become the brand advocates we could never be when we only think “business out.”

A top CRM tip from you, the expert.

Start small, it doesn’t need to be big fancy new workflows with hundreds of iterations of personalised dynamic content. Look at what data you have, look at what your customers are engaging with, and try to improve an opportunity if you see it.

You’ll be amazed how much impact the smallest of changes can help with customer engagement.

Would you like to be part of our CRM Collective, Expert Perspective & Insights series? Contact us here.


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