Technology for data and AI

How a technology stack fits together

Your data comes from so many sources, is held in so many places, and processed in so many ways, the technology requirements can seem both complex and complicated.

We’ll help you to navigate that space, sort the wheat from the chaff, and most importantly to make the best use of the systems you already have.

How does it work?

It’s critical that your infrastructure is future-proof. That doesn’t just mean that it won’t become obsolete, but it also means that you can maintain it!

Wherever possible we’ll work with widely adopted and understood tools, so that you can easily find the skills you need for many years to come.

Some technologies we can help with

These are some of the main categories of data infrastructure technology, and some highlights of vendors we are experienced with. If your preferred technology isn’t on the list, call us! We’ve probably used it somewhere.

  • The environment your data lives in

    Amazon Web Services

    Microsoft Azure

    Google Cloud Platform

  • How your data gets prepared


  • Business intelligence






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